code blogspot
Dưới đây là bài thi mẫu demo cho template này bạn có thể test thử bằng cách chọn "Bắt đầu làm bài" để bắt đầu tính thời gian. Sau khi hết thời gian bạn sẽ nhận được thông báo. Bạn có thể chọn xem đáp án bên dưới sau khi đã hoàn tất bài thi. Có nhu cầu liên hệ để mua template cho Blogspot này.
1. The funeral will be ________, and only members of the dead man's family will attend.
2. I enjoyed ________ her again after all this time.
3. I am sorry that I can't ________ your invitation.
4. When he was a boy, he was always willing to join in a ________ of football.
5. The next ________ of the committee will take place on Thursday.
6. His parents never allowed him ________.
7. I have absolutely no doubt ________ the innocence of the accused.
8. As James had distinctions in Chemistry and Biology in his Higher School Certificate Examination, I hoped to ________ one of these subjects at university.
9. The room was infested ________ cockroaches.
10. In my company only executives are eligible ________ share option schemes.
11. The terms toad and frog refer to different animals belonging to different genuses, and careful students ________ the two.
12. Although the terms toad and frog refer to different animals belonging to different genuses, some students ________ the two.
13. She ________ 20 pounds out of the bank every Monday.
14. He went to a school which ________ good manners and self- discipline.
15. John was born ________ two intelligent people.
16. The funeral will be ________, and only members of the dead man's family will attend.